Don’t like mornings? Struggling to get up on time? Try committing these habits to your nightly and morning routine.
Make Your Bed | Commitment level: easy
It’s so easy to jump out of bed and run out the door in the mornings, especially if you are wanting those few extra minutes of shut eye. Your bed is your room’s focal point, so it will set the mood for your when you walk in to it. Your bedroom (your bed especially) should be a place of serenity and not one of chaos. Coming home to a messy bedroom doesn’t really scream decompression after a hard day but quite the opposite. Take a few minutes to tidy up this aspect of your bedroom. Making your bed will make your room feel cleaner and more organized.
Wake Up at the Same Time Everyday | Commitment level: moderate
I find that I am crabby if I do not wake up in between 4am and 5am on the weekends. I feel stressed, tired, and I am not prepared for what is ahead of me for the day even if I don’t have anything planned. Waking up at the same time every day allows you to keep your sleep schedule consistent, so when Monday rolls around, you are not struggling to get out of bed to get to work or class on time. It has definitely helped me and my mood.
Shut it Down | Commitment level: moderate
I have noticed that being on my phone while I’m laying in bed is something I am really bad at. There are nights I’ll fall into Pinterest for ideas for my house, or draft up a couple more ideas for my blog. The worst one is the Instagram black hole. By the time I am realize that I need sleep, it is 3:30 a.m., and I have to be awake in an hour. It does not set me up to feel great in the morning, and I am in a terrible mood for my morning skaters. The only things I do use it for when I’m in bed is the alarm clock and the mindful meditation podcast for sleep which you can find here.
It’s nice to have a consistent routine, and it really has brought down my energy to go to bed on time. Turning off the screen to my phone has helped so much in being less stressed the next morning.
Wake Up at Least 30 minutes Earlier | Commitment level: difficult
Hear me out before your roll your eyes at me. Taking the time for yourself in the morning really sets you up to be productive and ready to conquer your day. This routine has been evolving for me. Sometimes, I wake up about an hour before I need to be up to get a cup of coffee, start ideas for a blog, bill clients, check emails, and set up for my day. Other mornings, I’ll wake up and go downstairs to walk or run and listen to a chapter of Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass to get me started. Taking the time for yourself allows for you to wake up and feel present as you leave for work or school. You will feel refreshed and ready to go. I’ve returned to making this a part of my morning routine for the new year, and so far it’s been great! Here are a few tips to conquer your year if you would like to see what I do.
What is your morning routine like? What do you like to do in the morning? What is your ideal morning routine to get you pumped about your day?
This is a great, simple list – I agree with all of these! I wake up at the same time everyday, no matter if it’s a weekend, holiday, etc.
Serena, I do, too! It makes the new work week start a little more easily. I also feel more productive, even if I don’t have to be anywhere.
I like these ideas.
Yes, yes! Loved it, thank you for sharing x
Omg of course! I’m so glad you like these
This is something I’ve been struggling from past 2 years. Recently I’ve started waking up earlier and working out in the morning.
It’s so refreshing and I don’t wanna change this routine ever.
Thank you for sharing this important article ❤️
Thanks so much! I am so glad that this helped you!
Great tips! I need to follow more of these!